Water Heaters

woodland water heaters

Water Heater Repair and Replacement

The decision of repairing versus replacing your water heater ultimately comes down to the age and condition of your water heater. On average, a water heater should be replaced every 13 years. So if you’re water heaters getting up there in age, it may be time to replace it. Call Colonial Plumbing today and we’ll send one of our experienced plumbers out to take a look and give you a FREE estimate.

Water Heater Flushes

It is recommended that you flush your water heater at least once per year to avoid problems from sediment buildup over time. At Colonial Plumbing we have two amazing deals when it comes to water heater flushes. For a tank type water heater, we give 2 flushes for only $199! And for a tankless water heater, we give 2 flushes for $249, which means you can come back in a year for a FREE flush!